Ubuntu python 3.6 pip3
Ubuntu python 3.6 pip3

ubuntu python 3.6 pip3

On the other hand it takes a long time to install numpy, and that is why i split up the package installation. The upside of having to compile python3.6 a second time was a much faster compile the second time. Python3.6 -m pip install -user matplotlib the rest of the installation is now put on hold. The installation of scipy with pip takes a very long time (hours) and I am lookingįor a solution. Sudo apt-get install libatlas-base-dev gfortran I learned from another thread on different subject that I need to install ssl before I compile. But as pointed out by a commenter, I ran into problems with ssl when I tried to install packages with pip.

ubuntu python 3.6 pip3

I am using a RPi2, and I successfully managed to follow the suggested procedure to install python3.6. python3 version Python 3.6. apt-get install python3-pip The above command update the python3 to the latest version, along with many dependencies and build essential tool too. In order to install pip3 use the below command. Make -j4 simply uses all 4 rpi cores in the make process (much faster) Ubuntu 18.04 LTS comes with default Python3. One of the first checks is a check for Python 3.6 itself, for which the result will certainly be no. These are not requirements for the successful compilation. The results depend on architecture, hardware features, etc. Unless configure script reports an error, the answer is: no, of course not.Ĭonfigure performs a series of checks and uses the results as input to create the Makefile. sudo make install takes about 2 minutesĭo I need to pick back through and install everything that did such?.make takes about 15 minutes (it produces 8 warnings to the stderr).On a fresh Raspbian on Raspberry Pi 3 with a class 10 SD card (YMMV): The instructions you referenced are correct for version 3.6. As of today, only the installation from source is available.

Ubuntu python 3.6 pip3